Jörg Bittner
Jörg Bittner studied theatre and event technology in Berlin and afterwards became the technical director of the Sophiensæle from 2000-2008.
There he created the lighting design for numerous dance, theatre, and musical theatre productions as well as performance pieces.
After joining Radialsystem in 2008, he was particularly involved with Folkert Uhde and Jochen Sandig in finding new approaches to classical concert production and pushing the boundaries of the conventional concert. Examples of this are the productions »Human Requiem« and »Liberté« with the Rundfunkchor Berlin as well as the »Johannes Passion« and the »h-Moll Messe« with the Chor des Bayrischen Rundfunk. Jörg Bittner has worked with choreographers and artists such as Constanza Macras, Sasha Waltz, Meg Stuart, Nicola Hümpel (Nico & The Navigators), Sven Holm (Novoflot), Ulrich Rasche, Heroines of Sound, and for the festivals Märzmusik, Ultraschall and UM:LAUT, A L'ARME. As a guest lecturer, he taught lighting design at the Universität der Künste, Berlin in 2019. Since 2019, he has been leading Radialsystem's lighting department.